About me

About me

Hi. I’m Shani

Nutrition is a no-guarantee field. We cannot know whether following a healthy lifestyle will doubtlessly result in a disease-free long life. However, studies have shown over and over again that by following a healthy lifestyle we can substantially increase the chances of living a healthy and improved quality of life.

If you are ready to work on your nutritional and health goals with me, here are a few things to know about my approach as a nutrition professional:

  • I don’t provide trendy, short-term, unhealthy, unsafe diets.
  • I don’t allow my clients to stop having their favourite foods.
  • I don’t give my clients one-size-fits-all solutions.
  • I don’t sell meal plans.

If you’re still here, this is what I do:

  • I ask you lots of questions about your current state, background, health, lifestyle, preferences etc. so I could provide you with a customized solution.
  • I provide professional and safe practices for you to reach your goal and maintain it long-term.
  • I give guidance and support which are an essential part of the success of any work, let alone when it comes to your own body.
  • I provide accountability to assist you in staying on track, knowing you are not alone and achieving your goal.
  • I am very attentive and respectful of the emotional and psychological aspects of nutritional changes, addressing them as we proceed in our work together.
  • I put my heart into my work with each and every client. I genuinely want you to succeed and help you get to where you want with nutrition and health.

If my do’s and don’ts resonate with you, let’s chat. I’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Let’s chat

Schedule a FREE 30-minute call to learn if we want to work together.

    Why Choose to work with me

    Tailored To You

    A personalized plan
    tailored to you, your
    preferences, history,
    lifestyle choices etc.

    Real Solutions

    You will be provided with
    foundational, safe, and
    proven to work solutions.
    No trends or quick fixes.

    Multiple Options

    You get to select how long
    you want my support for.
    Choose from a variety of
    packages based on your needs.

    Supporting Resources

    Get some personalized
    supportive resources to
    help you on your path.
    Handouts, recipes and more.

    Email Support

    Got questions in between
    sessions? Email me
    anytime for extra support
    and accountability.

    In-person or online

    Face-to-face or virtually
    from the comfort of
    your home – choose the
    communication you prefer

    Lemon Tree Nutrition Services

    Personalized Consult

    You define your
    goals and I will
    help you get there

    Fitness Nutrition

    Support your active
    lifestyle with the
    right nutrition for you

    Free Things

    Podcast, recipes,
    How-to’s, and
    Free handouts

    Join the LTN community

    Get helpful nutritional information, recipes, tips and more.
    *I will never share your email address with anyone!