Ask yourself why you want to lose weight and be as honest about it as possible. Throughout the years of my practice, I have heard a variety of reasons, some of which are: To be able to receive compliments that will make me feel a certain way; for health reasons; to fit into certain clothing as I used to; to satisfy someone else’s wish about my weight and many other reasons. Please dig deep and find out your personal reason and ensure it is a good reason which will keep you motivated throughout the process.
In order to lose weight, you will need to provide your body with less energy than it is used to. That can cause some fightback from your body while it adjusts to the new, lower energy input. Therefore, before starting a weight loss regime, ask yourself whether you are physically healthy. Check with your doctor and get his blessing. You see, when we are not healthy, our magical body does a lot to deal with the illness and uses many resources to improve on that issue. Adding another big task such as weight loss is not always beneficial. Yes, there are certain illnesses that weight loss could help with, but in such cases, the process has to be done in a very specific way.
In a normal fat loss program, fluctuations in weight and the way we eat are common. One day you can stick to the program religiously and the other you are invited to a party where you indulge and stray from the program. Our body is not built to have the same weight 24/7/365. Some days we retain water, some days we are menstruating and some days we moved a bit more. The number on the scale can drive us crazy and, most importantly, it does not tell us much about the composition of the weight we have lost or gained. So consider putting the scale aside. Good feedback for your weight loss would be the way your clothes fit you as you progress with the program.
Before starting a fat loss program, there may be some questions you want to ask yourself. Some examples are: Which weight loss diet should I go with? What is the best and most suitable for me? Is the diet I am going on sustainable, healthy and safe? Remember that trendy diets are just that – trends. Most of them do not work and if they do, more often than not, they are not sustainable and/or safe. Your new diet should be personalized and fit you based on a large range of factors that are unique to you.
So your auntie, co-worker, mother and friend all have something to say about your choice of diet? That is their problem, not yours. Do your research for the best and safest solution for you, put your head down and do what you need to do to get to your goal without allowing anyone to discourage or confuse you. As we are exposed to so much information about nutrition, so much of it can be unsafe, and mostly – not considering you. Many diets are general and may or may not work for you and be safe for you. You are unique and so is your fat loss path. If you can, work with a professional and stick to your plan.